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2013년 10월 1일 화요일


New version of Pony from ELFITA!
Made of Ash tree, the weight of this Pony is 4 kg.
The black knob can be screwed to adjust angle.
For how to use, please watch this video on Youtube:
The pony on the video is the older version.

PRICE : 100,000 WON

For more information, please contact us by emailing.
If you want to buy this tool, please look at our post: Order and Payment Method
Feel free to request further information via email!

댓글 2개:

  1. Hello...I use to contact you about six month....
    but the answer was too late.
    ...I want to buy a pony that has 100,000 won
    Please answer me some question

    1. I live in Thailand.I want to khow shipping cost. (pony+shipping cost)
    2. I have paypal..How do I do to buy?
    3. How many days I will get a pony?

    My email:
    ......................................................Thank you.

  2. how much is 100,000 won in US money and do you send it to the U.S.
